
227播放  ·  7.0分  ·  已完结

  In this season, the show went back to airing one new episode a week, but stayed in the hour-length format, filling up the second half-hour with episodes from previous seasons and some of the prime-time specials from the 1980s. This entire season, along with the second half of season 6, is available on Garfield and Friends: Volume 5 DVD set. Also worth noting is that here, a new theme song was added that was written by J.R. Johnston and Neil Panton. The theme was sung by J.R. Johnston. This theme song was not shown internationally, and as a result, it does not appear on the DVDs (although Garfield's quotations are kept intact). This new introduction sequence used most clips from Seasons 5-7 and a few from the first two seasons, as well as Garfield in Paradise and Garfield's Feline Fantasies. The episodes stopped using a few seconds of the theme playing in the episode title cards after season seven's fourth episode; music from the episodes were used in the title cards until the show ended, even though season six used music from some of their episodes.

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